Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wondrous Words Wednesday

Wondrous Words Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Bermudaonion where we share new (to us) words that we’ve encountered in our reading. If you want to play along, grab the new button (or the old graphic), and join the fun! (Don’t forget to leave a link in your comment if you’re participating.)

From The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

1. p.111 "Many jocular comments followed, as did another onslaught of 'heil Hitlering.'"

jocular: given to jesting: habitually jolly.

Origin: 1626: Latin jocularis, from joculus, diminutive of jocus

From Strange Angels by Lili St. Crow

1. p.49 "They were more green than hazel now, cradled in the slightest of epicanthic folds, and even the caramel of his skin was something to hate him for."

epicanthic: prolongation of a fold of skin of the upper eyelid over the inner angle or both angles of the eye.

Origin: 1860-65. New Latin epicanthus epicanthic fold, from epi- + canthus canthus


  1. What great words. I feel like I should have known epicanthic, but I didn't. Thanks for playing along!

  2. Really, really new words. Thanks.

  3. I really like jocular. I can see myself using that.

    I LOVE all the little ghosts and the eyes in your sidebar. They are so cute. Makes me want to say, Happy Halloween!!!

  4. Great words!

    Mine's here:


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