Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wondrous Words Wednesday

Wondrous Words Wednesday is a weekly meme (hosted by Bermudaonion's Weblog) where we share new (to us) words that we’ve encountered in our reading. If you want to play along, grab the button, and join the fun! (Don’t forget to leave a link in your comment if you’re participating.)

These words are all taken from Mr. Darcy, Vampyre by Amanda Grange.

1. DENUDED: "There was a chandelier hanging from the ceiling, splendid in size and shape, but so denuded of candles that it gave out no more than a dim glow."

To make naked or bare; strip. Origin: 1505–15 from Latin dēnūdāre. I figured this was the definition, but I don't think I've ever heard this one before.

2. INIMICALLY: "'You knew I was going to marry her,' said Darcy inimically."

Unfriendly, hostile. Origin 635–45; from Latin inimīc(us). Once again I guessed at this since it closely resembles enemy, but once again had never actually heard it before.

3. GENTIANS: Origin 1350–1400; Middle English gencian from Latin gentiāna; said to be named after Gentius, an Illyrian king.

4. HAREBELLS: Origin 1350–1400; Middle English

5. SAXIFRAGE: Origin 1400–50; late Middle English from Latin saxifraga (herba) stone-breaking (herb), equivalent to saxi-, combining form of saxum stone + -fraga, feminine of -fragus breaking

These last three are obviously flowers that I'd never heard of before so I'd thought I'd add the pics so now you know what they are too!


  1. It didn't click that nude was in denuded until you said you figured that was the meaning of the word. What an interesting word. Thanks for participating!

  2. Awesome meme! I write down interesting words as I come across them in books, so I'll definitely be joining this one!

  3. All those flowers are gorgeous, how are you liking Mr. Darcy Vampyre? I thought it was a good book. Thanks for sharing!

    XOXO~ Renee

  4. I must be a word snob or something.
    I am familiar with your first 3 of 5 words.
    I've even used "denuded" quite a number of times, usually in reference to stripping vegetation from an area.

  5. You have such cool words.
    And those flowers are beatiful!

  6. I liked your words. Interesting.
    This book is on my list to read this month. I look forward to reading it.
    How have you liked the story?


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