Friday, November 20, 2009

Things I Love Friday

Midnight Cowgirl of The Fashion Planner has a Things I Love Thursday meme, but since I have my TV Thursdays meme I've decided to postpone it til Fridays since I don't really have anything going on! I feel it's just a fun way to get to know more people, what they love, especially anything that was just super duper during the week! Plus, I'm really working on positivity so this will be a big help to make me think about things that were great this week or other things I'm really grateful for and love. So without further adieu....

Indian summers

Watching my baby boy sleep

My kitties sitting on my lap and purring

Giving and getting kisses from my hubby

Thai Food


Star Trek

*Above image was produced by none other than Midnight Cowgirl. Thanks a heap for letting me use it! And I know it says Thursdays, but like I said above...;) I stand corrected; the image is from:


  1. What a great list! I'm so glad you're doing this!
    Just wanted to let you know that the image is from Can't wait to see what's on your list next week!

  2. You know my kids are all grown up (my baby is almost 15) and I still love to go in and watch them sleep. Although I must admit that they aren't nearly as adorable as they used to be!


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