Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Horror Movie Wednesday--Dead Awake


I love horror movies! I watch a lot of them just for fun all year long. I even a horror-movie-night every week with a few friends. I thought it would be a good idea to write down a few thoughts about some of these horror movies I watch, all the good, bad, and in between. I'm not an expert or anything. Die-hard horror movie buffs will love quite a few that I'm not all that fond of....But I'll just throw a few thoughts out every week for fun and see what sticks!

Dead Awake (2016):

It was on Netflix and I needed a good scare...The story focuses on Kate Bowman who's twin sister Beth dies in her sleep after experiencing sleep paralysis. I guess sleep paralysis is contagious and soon Kate, her friends Evan and Linda are also experiencing it. An old hag is trying to suffocate them while they're sleeping. I guess she only exists in the sleep Freddy Krueger? Maybe they take each other's shifts from time to time?

Interesting plot line but it wasn't executed very well. Acting was only so-so and the special effects for the Hag were trying to be creepy like the Ring girl but it ended up being more cheesy than scary.

But I don't expect a lot from cheesy Netflix horror movies.

*Also watched for:

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