Saturday, March 27, 2010


Did you know . . . that Last week was Bibliomania Day? On March 20, 1990, Stephen Blumberg of Ottumwa, Iowa, was arrested for stealing over 23,600 books worth $20 million and weighing 19 tons. So look out for the "bookey-man"!

Like many book thieves, Blumberg was also a book lover. "It was his habit to read constantly through the night, cat-napping, waking, reading, dozing, waking, reading again, never fully sleeping. "

Hmmm . . . sound familiar?
Are there any books you would like to beg, borrow, or steal?
Yeah, Like all of them! I go to the library and wish I could just keep all of the ones I'm borrowing. I really love books on language/languages, but they're pretty expensive so they're on my list as well!
Are you addicted to trips to Borders or the public library?
Oh, yes. I head up to the library at least once a week whether it's for books or some DVDs. I also make way too many runs to my local bookstore, Walmart, and Barnes and I like to do Goodreads Bookswaps where you only have to pay shipping for a book and and Book Depository.
Do you have a way to remember what books you have read?
Goodreads and Shelfari are my favorite spots to record what I want to read, what I'm reading, and what I've read/my reviews...along with my blog!
When did your love of books begin?
I've always been an avid reader since I was a kid. I started young!
What is a favorite book? Author?
Jane Eyre is one of my favorites. I also love the Harry Potter series, Gone With the Wind, Pride and Prejudice, Persuasion, To Kill a Mockingbird...just to name a few! Also the respective authors that go with these books! Check 'em out if you haven't yet.
Do you still have in your possession a book borrowed, but not returned to its rightful owner? I think I still have a couple from my dad, but I returned most of them a couple of weeks ago. And I have a couple from a friend that I have yet to read.
What's the most in library fines you have owed? 16 bucks!
Do you loan books out to others? I'm a little paranoid about it,but I do it!!!! How do you keep track of them? I just don't lend out too many at a time and then I can remember them!

A big thanks to Kim of Queen Bee for tagging me with this fun survey!


  1. Nice answers :)

    And I totally agree about being paranoid to lend books. I'm scared and have been proved right, sadly, that books lent don't come back some times!

  2. How does one steal 23,600 books? I'm, also, addicted to trips to the library and the bookstore :)

  3. I love the library and I would never steal any books from it. Just because they don;t have very good books..just kiddin. :)

  4. I'm afraid of the book swapping sites. I just know I could never control myself!

  5. 16 Bucks? I think I have only owed a quarter :) Thanks for playing. In looking at your reading shelf, I'm also interested in reading The Sweetness at the bottom of the Pie--the cover got me too.


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