Thursday, December 30, 2010

Worst Reads of 2010

It's that time of year's time to wrap up the year in reading and blogging. I didn't do a lot of blogging due to school and life and this year will probably be the same...but I am hoping by next year to get back into I did it the first year. I love meeting new people through their blogs and I get so many exciting read ideas and lots of giveaways and information and balls and reading's wonderful, but no time yet...sigh. I'll get to my year wrap up soon but before that I want to list the books that I really didn't like that much, that just didn't do it for me. Tomorrow I'll add my best reads of 2010 (keep in mind not all of the books were published in 2010 just what I read in 2010). Here they are in no particular order....

1. Chasing the Night by Iris Johansen: I didn't get around to reviewing this one on my no link. Predictable mystery with nothing truly exciting or thought-provoking.

2. Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins: Not that it really was the worst read...but I was soooo disappointed in this book as the final one in the Hunger Games trilogy, so thus it goes on the worst list for me this year.

3. Betrayals by Lili St. Crow: Another one I never got around to reviewing on my blog...the first book was interesting so I thought I'd give this second in the series a try...disappointed again and probably will not be going back for more.

4. The Affinity Bridge by George Mann: I really wanted to like this one since I love me a good steampunk novel in Victorian England...sigh, really lackluster, no real character development, and cliche.

5. Hot Springs by Geoffrey Becker: I won this book and it looked interesting. The writing was good, but I just didn't resonate with the characters or the story.

6. Hush: An Irish Princess' Tale by Donna Jo Napoli: I read this for book club. A great folklore that wasn't done with the panache I was hoping for. The topic was pretty heavy and I just don't think the author handled it well as a young adult novel. Just meh.

7. Jane Bites Back by Michael Thomas Ford: I really had high hopes for this one. I thought it was going to be a really fun Austen-in-modern-times parody. It was just meh. Jane was a bit too fickle for me in this one. The vampire story just fell flat.

8. Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater: Just didn't resonate with me. All the characters were pretty annoying and why do they have to get rid of the parents????

9. The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson: Why oh why did she have to ruin the ending with an epilogue? Great story otherwise but the ending ruined it all for me.

10. According to Jane by Marilyn Brant: Another book I had high hope for. Great cover, austen-inspired, romance. It had all the ingredients! I am not fond of books where the heroine pines away for a total jerk for years and years and then he finally realizes he loves her but he's still a jerk, no real redeeming quality! Dumb, dumb, dumb. Worst read of the year.


  1. Uh-oh...Hush: an Irish Princess' Tale just came in the mail for me about an hour ago... :}

  2. I'm probably just weird. I'm sure you'll enjoy it alright! Can't wait to hear what you think, though.

  3. ooh I liked Shiver, but thank goodness I have not read the others. :) lol.

  4. I didn't have high hopes for Jane Bites Back but even so I was disappointed. It just couldn't seem to decide what kind of book it wanted to be and was totally a set up for a sequel...or two.

  5. I thought Jane Bites Back was a fun read. Sorry you were disappointed.


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