Friday, October 13, 2017

Friday the 13th


Where did this fear come from? Why is Friday the 13th such a superstition? While it's not exactly known many theories say that it hails back to Christianity's stories...Judas betraying Jesus on a Friday. Jesus being crucified on a Friday, which is also known as hangman's day.

Some suggest that 12 is a whole unit and can be broken down well and then you add in one more for 13 and it becomes spooky.

Other cultures don't seem to have the same phobia of Friday the 13th like we do. In Italy it's Friday the 17th...The Roman number XVII can be rearranged into the Latin VIXI which means "my life is over."

How do you spend Friday the 13th? I'm excited it's in October this year. I'm having my son's friends over for a little Halloween/Friday the 13th party.

Knock on wood, be nice to black cats, and maybe throw some salt over your know, just in case!

Source: National Geographic article


  1. I have always wondered why Friday the 13th is such a superstitious date. I had every intention of watching something scary (well as scary as I ever get) but then completely forgot once I got home on Friday!

  2. Interesting! Thanks for sharing these fun fact. I was happy that there was a Friday the 13th in October too. It just makes the season a tad more fun.


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