Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday Movie--Building!

Feature Presentation...
hosted by Molly of The Bumbles Blog.

Name some movies where people build and build!
1. Field of Dreams (1989)--the most obvious one...Kevin Costner is haunted by baseball voices and spirits until he builds them a baseball park.

2. The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill, But Came Down a Mountain (1995)-- Hugh Grant helps a small village turn their little hill into an official mountain!

3. The Replacements (2000)--Another sporty team building movie. Cheesy but fun.

4. Music and Lyrics (2007)--Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore work together to "build" a new song!


  1. I'm glad you took the Field of Dreams bait from our post title - I felt too greedy listing it too - but I have seen lots of original movies listed today - including your Hugh Grant selections.

  2. I loved Music and Lyrics - I thought it was funny and romantic. Great choices!

  3. very original choices--I've only seen Field of Dreams

  4. I loved The Replacements. You're right, cheesy but fun!


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