Monday, August 31, 2009

R.I.P. Reading Challenge!

Stainless Steel Droppings is hosting a scary reading challenge. I like a good scary book as the next person and with Fall upon us and Halloween I thought I would join in! Here are your genre choices:

Dark Fantasy.

There are two simple rules:

1. Have fun reading.
2. Share that fun with others.

I've been wanting to read my large collection of short-story horror fiction! So this is the perfect excuse!


  1. I love Halloween reads and a good ghost story! I read some Sherlock Holmes last year and this year I'm reading Frankenstein. My all time fav gothic mystery is Collins - The Woman in White. Superb and the best villian ever.
    Sounds like a fun challenge.

  2. Great to have you on board! Thanks so much for joining. This time of year is such a great one for scary short fiction. I read a bunch this past weekend and have piles of anthologies I hope to dip into over the next couple of months.

  3. Lula, The Woman in White sounds intriguing! I'll have to add it.

  4. Ooooo I love paranormal/supernatural...sadly I have NO time for another challenge :-( Have fun with this!!!!

    I have ANOTHER award for you

  5. This sounds like a fun challenge! Hope you enjoy!

  6. Yay! So glad you are joining in! I haven't decided on which books to read yet...I think I'm going to go to Barnes and Noble after work though and take a look-see :)

  7. I need to wrest Dracula away from my son so that I can finish it for this challenge--I read it a few years ago, and then started rereading it when I was in Whitby this June, and then the kids got ahold of it...

    BTW, I have nominated your lovely site for the Zombie Chicken Award--congrats and kudos on a wonderful blog! Visit my site for details.

  8. I'm dying to do this challenge but so swamped I just don't have time! But every time I see someone else's RIP post I start to waffle...

    By the way, my company just published a book that would be perfect for this challenge. It's not scary, but it's definitely a thriller with a very twisted sense of humor. You can check it out at

    If you're interested, I can send you a review copy! Email me at niclovesbooks[at]gmail[dot]com.

    Happy scary reading!

  9. look forward to your creepy, scary and spooky posts.

  10. Can't wait to read everyone else's creepy posts as well!


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