Wednesday, January 13, 2021

1000 Books Project: French Classics 2021

I joined this one last year but only managed to read Herodotus' Histories...the other three did not happen! But this year Michelle is hosting only two books! We have six months to read each one. The Count of Monte Cristo (January-June) and Les Miserables (July-December). I read the abridged version of Les Mis. back as a teenager but have been wanting to read the full unabridged version. So here's my chance! Check out all the details on Michelle's blog Gather Together and Read.

James Mustich has his own website dedicated to these books. You can even answer a survey on how many you've read or comment on the books.

We got started late so the official time frame to finish is August through the end of December. There are five sections/books so one section a month followed by a brief discussion of each one.


  1. Hmm. I'd like to read The Count of Monte Cristo ... but will I get to it? I remember the movie as a kid. Very good. I will keep it in mind. thx for mentioning.

    1. It's kind of funny so far and so melodramatic! lol.

  2. Worthy goals. Good luck! Do you think I could finished either of these in a day?

    1. I know I couldn't! Maybe the abridged version...but maybe you are a more patient and quick reader than I am!


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