Thursday, January 10, 2019

Cat Thursday-- Happy New Year, Cat Style

Cat Thursday is hosted by Michelle at True Book Addict. It's a way to celebrate all things cat!

From an article from the Bored Panda site comes some pretty hilarious photos of cats crashing Nativity scenes! LOL. Check out the link for the full perusal of photos. I've picked just a few to share. Enjoy!

"Come all ye and worship me..."

"Our cat Loki invaded next door's nativity scene, his face is hilarious"

"The Jesus in our crib is a bit fat, furry, and pointy-eared...but undeniably cute!"

"There was a cat in the manger with baby Jesus..."


  1. Replies
    1. I should've put these up in December but I couldn't resist for January!

  2. HaHaHaHa!!! Too funny...all of them, but especially that last one. The one "his face is hilarious," that would be me. lol


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