Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

gone girl
Wow. This was a fast-paced thriller. Lots of twists and turns. I really didn't see where this was headed. It's worth a read just for the sheer craziness of it all. Before you pick up this book to read, you must commit one whole day. You will not be able to put it down till your are finished. Your kid and/or loved one could be choking and honestly, you will not notice ;)

Moving on...we meet Nick and Amy Dunne. They take turns with chapters so we get to see this fabulous couple and how their marriage and their lives went down a rabbit hole. On their 5th anniversary, Nick comes home to his wife missing. Did he do it? Who else could have done it?

I think Flynn has a lot of human insight that she expresses through the characters and how they deal with the world. The suspense is palpable and addicting. I really loved that. And I really wanted to love this book! But the ending ruined it for me. I feel it was a cop out of epic proportions. But oh well. It is worth the read and I'll recommend it to anyone.

It's worth the ride.


  1. I keep hearing about this book over and over and over again, and for some reason, I just can't decide. Was it really that great? And is it REALLY worth it to go through the whole thing for an awful ending?

  2. It sounds so good, but I'm sorry to hear about the ending.

  3. The end did leave me with a bad taste in my mounth. It kept me from loving it as so many others had. Glad I wasn't alone :)

  4. The end did leave me with a bad taste in my mounth. It kept me from loving it as so many others had. Glad I wasn't alone :)

  5. I love that the two things you specifically don't want to live without are indoor plumbing and internet!


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