Thursday, August 24, 2023

Cat Thursday--Life With Cats...


Welcome to the weekly meme (hosted by Michelle at True Book Addict) that celebrates the wonders and sometime hilarity of cats! Join us by posting a favorite lolcat pic you may have come across, famous cat art or even share with us pics of your own beloved cat(s). It's all for the love of cats!

I've been seeing some funny cat-themed comics floating around the Interwebs, so I thought I'd share a few funny ones today. Bored Panda has a whole post on them.

Check them all out! These are so true of my kitties. I'm dying.


  1. SO true! Alice was like that with water. We could not leave any kind of cups with water, or any other liquid, sitting on the table. She just had to sample and usually ended up spilling it everywhere. That last one...I HATE when they do that! I'm a scaredy cat. Go figure. I guess I watch too much horror. When they do the sudden look, or bugged out eyes, then I start hearing noises. lol

    1. Seriously...when my cats do that...totally freaks me out. And it is probably because of all the horror I consume!

  2. Too bad we're allergic to cat fur and I'm scared of the claws. Have fun with the pet.

    Harvee at

    1. The claws can get dicey! But I try to keep them pretty trim.

  3. Yeah cats like sink water best! Little finicky about all things. Lol

    1. Nala refuses any water but from the bathroom sink...


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