Tuesday, January 29, 2013

One Line Movie Reviews (2)

The Sound of My Voice (2011): Creepy pseudo-documentary-style movie about a cult.

sound of my voice
Rating: C

Hotel Transylvania (2012): Cute but a bit too simplistic in its style and I didn't necessarily like what it was teaching in the end.

hotel transylvania
Rating: C+

Butter (2011): Great story about forgiveness and achieving your dreams without selling out your humanity.

Rating: B+

Austenland (2013): Laugh out-loud hilarious!

Rating: B

Beasts of the Southern Wild (2012): Fascinating and depressing story of how a girl comes to grips with life after she loses her home.

beasts of the southern
Rating: B+


  1. Butter and Austenland are on my need to watch list!

  2. Looks like I need to see those last 3!


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