Monday, August 31, 2009

Zombie Bite Giveaway

Velvet at vvb32 is hosting another zombie giveaway! Click here for more information. If you take the zombie calculator test you will be able to win World War Z by Max Brooks.

This is how long I'd last if I were bitten by a zombie before becoming totally infected!

The Zombie Bite Calculator
Created by The Oatmeal

My last meal would be anything yummy I could get my hands on! Before brains become the nasties I would eat!


  1. I'd last a few minutes longer. 1hour 36mins.

  2. Not a bad time, I think. I can't get the darn thing to work for me!

  3. You survived 12 minutes longer that I would! :-(

  4. Witch Baby, how did you last that long? I tried all sorts of healthy combos and couldn't get that high!!!

    Zommbie Girrrl, I hope you can get it to work soon!


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