Thursday, February 2, 2023

Cat Thursday-- Groundhog Day!


 Welcome to the weekly meme (hosted by Michelle at True Book Addict) that celebrates the wonders and sometime hilarity of cats! Join us by posting a favorite lolcat pic you may have come across, famous cat art or even share with us pics of your own beloved cat(s). It's all for the love of cats!


  1. Great minds think alike! Not sure why I'm not subscribed to get your posts, but going to remedy that right now. Happy six more weeks of winter! lol

    1. I feel like there's a way out now! I love Groundhog Day. I can start thinking about flowers and plants a bit. On the other side of it now! whew.

  2. Ah, that's why. I was subscribed by email via feedburner and feedburner no longer works. They shut it down a year or two ago. If you want an alternative for email subscribers that is free, I use for my other blogs (I use Mailchimp for True Book Addict).

  3. I don't know what to think about Groundhog's day movie and those time loops, but the concept of time loops definitely makes an interesting idea for an improv scene!

  4. There's always a little more winter around the corner. I try to accept the Groundhog. ha but I could be a bit grumpy like the cat.


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