Wednesday, February 5, 2020

January Wrap-Up

DH and I were able to finally celebrate the big 16. It's in December but that is such a hectic time, that usually we either do nothing or it's a nice dinner. This year DH reserved us a spot for a mystery dinner theater program. It was a hoot! It was nice to get out and celebrate and be entertained.

2020-01-11 17.32.29

We've been dealing with some illness this month so we haven't gotten out as much as I would like. We've gotten a lot of snow and cold but we did get a beautiful sunset the other night. It's the little things, especially during the long winter months.

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                           2020-01-30 17.47.54

5 Books Read:

3 Books Listened to:
  • Climbing with Mollie by William Finnegan on Audible.
  • The Dutch House by Ann Patchett on Libby from the library.
  • Junkyard Cats by Faith Hunter on Audible.



  • The Outsider on HBO. This is one creepy series! It's so good.



Plotline: Jenn has washed ashore a small tropical island and it doesn't take her long to realize she's completely alone. She must spend her days not only surviving the elements, but must also fend off the malevolent force that comes out each night.

Thoughts: I really enjoyed this one. Tough character who battles for survival. It's creepy and suspenseful and just fun.

Tagline: Based on the Beloved American Novel by Louisa May Alcott

Thoughts: I really enjoyed this adaptation. I didn't like Laurie as much but I liked that they showed a bit of a love story for him and Amy.

Tagline: Time Changes Nothing

Thoughts: It took me 3 days to watch this but I enjoyed the historical aspect, getting to know Jimmy Hoffa and what role he played in history and of course the creative theory on his final fate.

Tagline: The World will Shine Again

Thoughts: Way too long but still a great story with great characters. I loved seeing little Danny again and his new protege who kicked some ass!

Tagline: There is enchantment in the light.

Thoughts: A more modern take on the myth of Prometheus? Toxic masculinity? I'm not sure but it was a wild and crazy ride.

Tagline: Act like you own the place

Thoughts: Pure brilliance. His commentary on class and capitalism is so layered, I'll need to keep rewatching it to catch it all. Go see this film.


I'm still working on G's blanket. I'm almost done with the crochet part. Then it'll be sewing in all the ends and adding fringe! There is light at the end of the tunnel.

I'm starting my great niece's blanket as well. I'm giving myself a couple of months!

I made pulled pork nachos, wings, and pigs-in-a-blanket for the Super Bowl.

Lots of soups this month as well!

Reading Goals:

I've got some books to read with G for Black History month that I'm excited about: Two books of poetry by Langston Hughes and Maya Angelou. Also, the young adult adaptation of Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly.

I've got How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi and Parting the Waters: America in the King Years: 1954-63 by Taylor Branch on my list this month.

I'm also reading Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky by Kwame Mbalia and Pet by Akwaeke Emezi.

Currently listening to:

Red at the Bone by Jacqueline Woodson on Libby

Looking forward to:

G's birthday is Sunday. We're letting him take a few friends to the local trampoline park for a couple of hours on Saturday. I'm baking cupcakes! Sunday will be out for breakfast and dinner will be a small celebration at my parents' house with ice cream cake and games. The week after that his cousin will be sleeping over for some fun. So he's got a great couple of weeks planned! He's going to be 11! Eleven! Where does the time go?


  1. Congrats on 16 years! Hope everyone feels better soon! Happy February!

    1. Thank you! I'm hoping we get through the gucks and yucks soon too. These are the worst months for us. Happy February to you too!


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