Friday, December 20, 2013

Gabe and I Are Sick

It's been a tough week and a half with croup and flu. Gabe missed this whole week of preschool and now I am coming down with something. So thus no posts for awhile. Hopefully I'll feel up to posting after Christmas.

Everyone, have a Merry Christmas and Winter Solstice and whatever else this week!

Winter Solstice pic

Gabe sick and Shadow keeping him warm. Poor guy :(

sick is ookie.


  1. Yuck :( Feel better soon!

  2. Hope you're all feeling better! Merry Christmas!

  3. Hope you both feel better soon and Archie takes good care of you!

  4. Man, there is a lot of sickness going around this year! I was sick for most of November and my Gabe missed the last 3 1/2 days of school before break because of being sick. Now I feel like I'm coming down with it again. Ugh!

    Hope you all get to feeling better soon. Merry Christmas and Winter Solstice to you too. *hugs*


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